We’re delighted to introduce Liz Clarke as GT3 Architects’ new Residential Lead!
Liz has 11 years’ post graduate experience and an impressive international portfolio spanning residential, mixed-use, masterplanning, hotels and sport & leisure. She is passionate about architecture and has a strong belief in the capacity of well-designed buildings and spaces to improve quality of life, wellbeing and activity in communities.
Over the course of her career, Liz has delivered mixed-use and residential schemes across the globe. Internationally, she has worked on residential mixed-use schemes in Dubai & Cairo, and was project lead on a new mall, office tower, residential and transport hub in Oslo. Now firmly based in Nottingham, Liz is leading on several UK residential masterplans and developments, including Haslingden, Eastbourne & Lewes, Rotherham and Worthing.
Liz also heads up our Nottingham Studio and is GT3’s dedicated ‘People Champion’.
Liz comments;
“Through our masterplanning work and our funding and development arm, we’ve seen first-hand the wide-ranging demands of the current residential landscape. There’s an ongoing demand for beautiful, sustainable, and safe homes across the UK. Our job as designers is to deliver concepts that blend and weave into existing communities, alongside looking beyond boundary lines to ensure our developments tackle wider sustainability and societal objectives. Off the back of Covid-19, we’re starting to see shifts in the way people view their homes and the functions they’re looking for, proving that residential design is dynamic, exciting and constantly evolving. Residential masterplanning is also shifting; we’re seeing trends of clients being more engaged with green infrastructure, less dense living and quality public realm that is available and accessible to all. As with everything, designing for people – not buildings – lies at the heart of it, and I’m looking forward to championing our work in this area.”